HC Deb 27 March 1968 vol 761 c1519
40. Mr. Tilney

asked the Minister of Transport whether she will give an assurance that the owners of houses in Bowring Park Road, Liverpool, that will not be purchased to make room for the South Lancashire Motorway, will be adequately compensated for the loss in the value of their property caused by the recommendation of her Department's North-West Road Construction Unit.

41. Mr. Tilney

asked the Minister of Transport whether she will seek powers to enable her to make good the loss to owners of houses deleteriously affected by new road developments.

Mr. Swingler

My right hon. Friend has received representations about the compensation law in relation to highways and these are being studied.

Mr. Tilney

Will the Minister bear in mind that once an urban motorway is planned a blight descends on the whole area? Many people have invested all their savings in these houses. Will the hon. Gentleman consider getting the district valuer to determine a pre-development price so that the houses can be bought by the local authority?

Mr. Swingler

We are aware of the problems to which the hon. Gentleman has drawn attention. We have now received an extremely complex document from the Chartered Land Societies and representations from others. These are now being studied by the appropriate Government Departments. As soon as we have the results of the study my right hon. Friend will make a statement.