HC Deb 26 March 1968 vol 761 cc1141-2
2. Dr. David Kerr

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government what assistance he now offers to applicants for rehousing to achieve registration outside the area of their own local housing authority.

The Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Housing and Loc al Government (Mr. James MacColl)

My right hon. Friend has asked authorities, except in Greater London, to abolish or curtail their residential qualifications for the sake of incoming workers.

Dr. Kerr

That is an unsatisfactory Answer. Will my hon. Friend accept that what is required for the better rehousing of the people of this country, associated with improved mobility of labour, is a greater uniformity in housing requirements among local authorities and the establishment on a simple basis of some sort of central register?

Mr. MacColl

On the general point my hon. Friend makes, I agree that this is a very important matter. My right hon. Friend is asking the Central Housing Advisory Committee to have another look at it in the light of what has happened since its previous report.

Mr. Allason

Would the Minister consider setting up a location of homes and jobs bureau, similar to the Location of Offices Bureau, because the two need to go together?

Mr. MacColl

Before we consider doing that, the best thing is to get local authorities to keep down their residential qualifications to an absolute minimum. My right hon. Friend is very anxious that they should do that.

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