HC Deb 11 March 1968 vol 760 cc954-5
16. Mr. Bryant Godman Irvine

asked the Minister of Public Building and Works what steps he is taking to assist civil engineering consultants and contractors to expand their activities overseas.

24. Mr. Crouch

asked the Minister of Public Building and Works whether he will make a statement on his official discussions with the Building Materials Export Group concerning the promotion of exports of building materials.

Mr. Mellish

I have recently met representatives of the design professions, the Export Group of the Constructional Industries and the Building Materials Export Group to discuss ways of expanding exports. My Parliamentary Secretary is co-ordinating the action to encourage efforts of the whole construction industry, and he will ensure that the services of my Department and of other Departments are known to the industry.

Mr. Irvine

is the right hon. Gentleman's Parliamentary Secretary visiting any countries abroad to have a look at the position there? Second, has he drawn the attention of the Chancellor of the Exchequer to the recommendations of the Cromer Committee about the importance, for example, of take-home pay after tax for those working abroad?

Mr. Mellish

I am obliged to the hon. Gentleman, because I can tell the House that my Parliamentary Secretary, who had great experience in exports in his private capacity before he entered the Government, is doing a first-class job. He has been abroad, he knows all these trade attaches personally and I have asked not only associations in the industry but individual firms to contact him, because all his services are at their disposal. As to the Cromer Report, yes, Sir, it is known and understood and is in the hands of those responsible.