HC Deb 18 June 1968 vol 766 cc921-2

Motion made, and Question, That the Report [13th June] of the Business Committee be now considered—[Mr. Peart], put and agreed to.

Report considered accordingly.

Question, That this House doth agree with the Committee in the said Resolution, put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 43A (Allocation of time to Bills) and agreed to.

Following is the Report of the Business Committee:

That the following provisions shall apply to the Proceedings on recommittal and on report: —

Allotted days

1.—(1) The Proceedings on recommittal shall be completed in three days and shall be brought to a conclusion at 7 p.m. on the last of those days.

(2) The Proceedings on report shall be completed in four days and shall be brought to a conclusion as follows—

New Clauses and the Bill to the end of Clause 49 in the Bill, as amended by Standing Committee A—11.20 p.m. on the third of those four days.

All remaining Proceedings—7 p.m. on the last of those four days.

(3) On recommittal and on report, Amend ments to the Schedules shall be considered after the Amendments to the Clauses to which those Schedules relate in the same order as in the Standing Committee on the Bill.


2.—(1) When the Order of the Day is read for the House to resolve itself into Committee on recommittal of the Bill, Mr. Speaker shall leave the Chair without putting any Question notwithstanding that notice of an Instruction may have been given, and on the conclusion of the Proceedings in Committee, the Chairman shall report the Bill to the House without putting any Question.

No dilatory motion with respect to, or in the course of, Proceedings on the Bill in Committee or on report shall be made except by a member of the Government, and the Question on any such motion shall be put forthwith.

Standing Order No. 13 (Motions for leave to bring in bills and nomination of select committees at commencement of public business) shall not apply on an allotted day.

No opposed private business shall be taken on an allotted day.

3.—(1) For the purpose of bringing to a conclusion any Proceedings in accordance with these recommendations which have not previously been brought to a conclusion, the Chairman or Mr. Speaker shall forthwith proceed to put the following Questions (but no others), that is to say: —

  1. (a) the Question or Questions already pro posed from the Chair, or necessary to bring to a decision a Question so proposed (in cluding, in the case of a new Clause or new Schedule which has been read a second time, the Question that the Clause or Schedule be added to the Bill);
  2. (b) the Question on any Amendment or Motion standing on the Order Paper in the name of any Member, if that Amendment or Motion is moved by a member of the Government;
  3. (c) any other Question necessary for the disposal of the business to be concluded,

(2)Proceedings under sub-paragraph (1) of this paragraph shall not be interrupted under any Standing Order relating to the sittings of the House or under the Order [12th December] (Sittings of the House).

(3)If, at Seven o'clock on an allotted day, any Proceedings on the Bill which, under these recommendations, are to be brought to a conclusion at or before that time have not been concluded, any Motion for the Adjournment of the House under Standing Order No. 9 (Adjournment on specific and important matter that should have urgent consideration) which, apart from these recommendations, would stand over to that time shall stand over until those Proceedings have been concluded.

(4)If, on an allotted day, a Motion is made for the Adjournment of the House under the said Standing Order No. 9, the bringing to a conclusion of any Proceedings on the Bill in accordance with these recommendations at any hour falling after the beginning of the Proceedings on that Motion shall be deferred for a period equal to the duration of the Proceedings on that Motion.

(5)If on a Motion made after Ten o'clock on an allotted day under the said Order [12th December] Mr. Speaker suspends that day's sitting till Ten o'clock in the morning, the bringing to a conclusion of any Proceedings on the Bill in accordance with these recommendations at any hour after Ten o'clock at night shall be deferred for a period equal to ' the duration of the suspension of the sitting.

(6) Any deferment under sub-paragraph (5) of this paragraph shall be in addition to any deferment under sub-paragraph (4) thereof.

4. In these recommendations 'allotted day' means any day on which the Bill is put down for consideration either on re-committal or report as the first Government Order of the Day.