HC Deb 17 June 1968 vol 766 c699
32. Mrs. Renée Short

asked the Minister of Public Building and Works what instructions on the use of new materials and new methods of construction he has issued to those responsible for buildings constructed by his Department.

Mr. Mellish

My professional staff are given regular instructions on the use of new materials and methods, and on the results of research and development undertaken by the Building Research Station, my Directorate-General of Research and Development and elsewhere. I am at present considering whether some further arrangement is needed in the case of materials and methods tested by the Agrément Board.

Mrs. Short

Do the instructions my right hon. Friend has issued include the need to encourage the use of light-weight concrete construction in view of the fact that this is a British invention involving British materials and that we ought to publicise them fully?

Mr. Mellish

I cannot answer about the individual products, but I will write to my hon. Friend with further information. The Agrément Board is now getting under way and I think that we are not far from the situation with public contracts where we may well have to write in the provision that when new materials are to be used only those with Agrément certificates will be considered.