HC Deb 12 June 1968 vol 766 cc313-4


Amendment made: No. 37, in page 38, line 25, at end insert: travelling showmen's pleasure fair' means a pleasure fair consisting wholly or mainly of amusements provided by travelling showmen which is held on any day of a year on premises not previously used in that year on more than twenty-seven days for the holding of such a pleasure fair.—[Mr. Elystan Morgan.]

Mr. Speaker

I suggest that we take the next three Amendments together.

7.15 p.m.

Mr. Elystan Morgan

I beg to move Amendment No. 95, in page 39, line 29, to leave out from ' that' to ' entitled' in line 31 and to insert: 'no game played by means of the machine can result in a player, or a person claiming under a player, receiving or being'. Clause 50(5) provides that a machine shall not be taken to be used for gaming if, in effect, all it offers to the successful player is that he should have another go free of charge, or, alternatively, the return of his stake. The substantial effect of these Amendments is simply to bring clearly within the saving machines which may offer a succession of free goes, depending on the player's continuing success. The other changes are ones of drafting only.

Mr. Buck

This is a small point. It was raised in Committee so that the matter might be put right. The same point was dealt with, in a different context, earlier in the Bill. Now it is clear that this concession will be available to machines which give a right to play repetitively time after time after time. We approve of the Amendment.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendments made: No. 96, in page 39, line 35, leave out 'the game again ' and insert' one or more further games '.

No. 97, in line 38, after first ' tokens', insert: 'as a prize in respect of a game '.—[Mr. Elystan Morgan.]

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