HC Deb 25 July 1968 vol 769 cc957-8
6. Mr. Dempsey

asked the Postmaster General what consideration he is now giving to the development of local radio stations in Scotland; and if he will make a statement.

14. Mr. William Hamilton

asked the Postmaster-General how many local radio stations are now working; and what proposals he has received from local authorities in Scotland in this field.

Mr. Stonehouse

All eight of the B.B.C.'s experimental stations are now broadcasting. Any plans for further stations must await the review of this experiment. I have received no further proposals from local authorities in Scotland.

Mr. Dempsey

Is my right hon. Friend aware that probably one of the reasons for the lack of enthusiasm for local radio is the fact that since the B.B.C. have become pop-punchers, traditional radio programmes have been adversely affected? Will he try to improve the service and thus encourage local authorities, especially in the central belt, to proceed with local radio stations?

Mr. Stonehouse

I am not aware that the quality of B.B.C. programmes as a whole has deteriorated as a result of the experiment, but I will certainly look very kindly at my hon. Friend's suggestion when we review the experiment in about a year's time.

Mr. Hamilton

What representations have been received or what initiatives have been taken by which local authorities in Scotland? Does any initiative rest with my right hon. Friend to encourage them to set about this imaginative scheme?

Mr. Stonehouse

I am not in a position to say which authorities have been in touch with us, but I will certainly take initiative next year if, in the light of the conclusions of this experimental run, we think that that will be a wise thing to do.

Mr. Stratton Mills

Is the Postmaster-General in a position to answer the Question put to him last week by my hon. Friend the Member for Howden (Mr. Bryan)—how much has the B.B.C. spent to date on the running costs of these experimental stations?

Mr. Speaker

Order. The Question is about local radio stations in Scotland.

Mr. Stratton Mills

On a point of order. With great respect, Mr. Speaker, the first part of Question No. 14 deals with the general point and it is only the second part which relates to Scotland.

Mr. Speaker

I agree. The Minister will answer the supplementary question.

Mr. Stonehouse

I will obtain the information and write to the hon. Member.