HC Deb 24 July 1968 vol 769 c568
29. Mr. Rossi

asked the Minister of Transport what consultations he has had with British car manufacturers about a safety standards code; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Swingler

Discussion between the Ministry and the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders about the introduction of new safety features in British made vehicles is a continuing process. The latest development is that described in my right hon. Friend's reply on 8th May to my hon. Friend the Member for Bristol, North-East (Mr. Dobson).—[Vol. 764, c. 74.]

Mr. Rossi

In view of the United States experience over the introduction of a code, does the Minister of State still consider the introduction of a code in Britain desirable? Does not sufficient machinery already exist for the setting down of safety standards?

Mr. Swingler

The position here is somewhat different on account of the Construction and Use Regulations which we have been issuing for very many years. My right hon. Friends have been taking continuously the initiative in the Economic Commission for Europe to try to get standard practices in Europe, and in that regard to take into account the American safety code. In this process we are working towards notification ourselves.