HC Deb 18 July 1968 vol 768 cc1645-6
20. Mr. Braine

asked the Minister of Overseas Development what consultation was held with British industry before the recent agreement was reached with the Government of Malaysia for committing £6.5 million worth of aid to that country.

Mr. Prentice

The officials who recently visited Malaysia to negotiate the commitments for 1968–69 held meetings before their departure in London with representatives of the Confederation of British Industry and spent their first day in Kuala Lumpur in discussion with British interests there. They held a further meeting before they left to explain the decisions which had been taken and to indicate the commercial opportunities so presented.

Mr. Braine

The Minister will be aware that these businessmen have made complaints that they were not properly consulted by the Dudley Mission. While that is all water over the dam can he confirm whether British business and industry, both in Malaysia and this country will be given every opportunity to advise on planning and to benefit from actual projects?

Mr. Prentice

I can confirm that and I repeat what I said before, that the earlier Mission led by Sir Alan Dudley, already had consultations with British businessmen in Singapore and Malaysia, and on a number of occasions with British business interests in London with connections there.

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