HC Deb 09 July 1968 vol 768 cc204-5
48. Dame Irene Ward

asked the Minister of Health if he will make a statement on the further resignations at Guy's Hospital.

Mr. K. Robinson

The deputy matron resigned with effect on 30th September; she gave no reasons. The senior assistant matron leaves on 13th July to take up a post for which she applied some months ago. I am satisfied that all the necessary steps are being taken to maintain the nursing services at the hospital.

Dame Irene Ward

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that I think Lord Robens has too many jobs he knows nothing about? [Interruption.] He knows nothing technically about running a hospital. For Lord Robens to invite a management consultant group to go into vital hospital administration is absolutely contrary to the principles of good administration in hospitals. Will the Minister carry out a proper inquiry so that we shall really know where we are about this most important position in Guy's Hospital?

Mr. Robinson

I do not think there is any reason for any inquiry of the kind the hon. Lady suggests. Of course I do not accept her remarks about Lord Robens in whom I have full confidence as Chairman of the Board of Governors. I suggest that the hon. Lady might be well advised not to jump to too many conclusions on the basis of incomplete information.