HC Deb 08 July 1968 vol 768 c33
36. Mr. Goodhart

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs when he hopes to complete the renegotiation of United Kingdom defence agreements with the Trucial States in the Persian Gulf.

Mr. Goronwy Roberts

We have offered to replace our treaties of protection by treaties of friendship. It will be some time before discussion can be completed because the States are considering the form of their future association among themselves.

Mr. Goodhart

What will be the meaning of this treaty of friendship? Do we intend to maintain a special relationship with the Trucial States after we have implemented our unilateral decision to withdraw our forces from the Persian Gulf?

Mr. Roberts

I would hope and expect that our relationship with this area and with individual States will, far from diminishing, increase. There is already evidence that the States concerned would warmly welcome treaties of friendship leading in future to an amplification of our social, commercial and cultural relations with them.