HC Deb 04 July 1968 vol 767 cc1675-6
20 and 21. Mr. E. Rowlands

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) whether he will take steps to place an immediate ban on the sale of polystyrene tiles which are not of the self-extinguishing type, in view of the fact that such tiles have been shown to have accentuated fires;

(2) what action is being taken to investigate the possible fire hazards from all types of polystyrene tiles.

Mr. Ennals

The Joint Fire Research Organisation is at present investigating the extent to which polystyrene tiles of both normal and self-extinguishing grades may contribute towards the spread of fire. Their report is expected in the autumn. On present information I do not think that a ban on the sale of polystyrene tiles of normal grade would be justified.

Mr. Rowlands

Is my hon. Friend aware of the growing evidence of the great danger of these tiles, if not causing fires, being a considerable hazard when one breaks out? Does not he think that while this review is going on we should bring to the attention of the public the danger of using these tiles which are becoming increasingly popular?

Mr. Ennals

I think that my hon. Friend is over-stating the case. There is no real evidence that polystyrene tiles have been a significant factor in accelerating the spread of fires in dwellings. I think that we must await the conclusions of the researches being carried out before we start making any announcements to the public.