HC Deb 03 July 1968 vol 767 cc1489-90
24. Mr. Buchanan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what are his plans for increasing the number of places available in Her Majesty's Prisons, borstals and approved schools in Scotland.

Mr. Buchan

This year my right hon. Friend hopes to provide 430 additional places in Scottish penal establishments, 270 in new buildings and 160 by reallocation within existing accommodation. The use of hutted camps, now under consideration, may add up to 450 places. Further plans include three new establishments, with 1,000 places, to be completed in the early 1970s.

Two new approved schools for boys are to be provided and two others enlarged: some decline in places for girls is likely. Altogether some 158 additional places are planned in that sector for the period up to 1970.

Mr. Buchanan

We know that my hon. Friend, because of previous inactivity, has a tremendous backlog to overtake. Are the plans being pushed forward fast enough to overtake the position before it is too late, because conditions in prisons, borstals and approved schools are getting to a dangerous stage of overcrowding?

Mr. Buchan

I am glad my hon. Friend appreciates the position in which I find myself. The long wasted years in the 1950s have left me with a very difficult position. I feel that very strongly, as those who have visited some of our prisons will know. We are pushing ahead as fast as possible. We are awaiting the report of the public inquiry into the most publicised project, at Bishop-briggs.

Mr. Wolrige-Gordon

Is the hon. Gentleman, aware that I regret very much the need for expansion of the number of places for people of this kind? What effect will this increase have on the overcrowding in many of our prisons?

Mr. Buchan

This will depend on what happens in relation to intake. It would be difficult to predict in that connection. I hope, as we all do, that conditions will improve as a result.

25. Mr. Buchanan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what proposals he has for making the conditions of service of employees in Her Majesty's Prisons, borstals and approved schools in Scotland sufficiently good to attract sufficient staff of the necessary qualifications and calibre.

Mr. Buchan

A satisfactory level of recruitment to the prison service and approved school staffs has been maintained in recent years. The career structure of the prison service is being improved by the introduction of the grade of senior officer following the Mountbatten Report.

Mr. Buchanan

I thank my hon. Friend for that reply and appreciate the fact that our minds are as one about the urgency of recruiting to get the type of staff required for this work.

Mr. Buchan

Yes, Sir.

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