HC Deb 03 July 1968 vol 767 c1483
18. Mr. Hannan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what plans he has for dealing with the inadequate accommodation available for juvenile offenders remanded by the courts pending further reports.

Mr. Millan

I would refer to the reply which my right hon. Friend gave to the hon. Member for Glasgow, Cathcart (Mr. Edward M. Taylor) on 26th June.— [Vol. 767, c. 85–86.]

Mr. Hannan

In view of the continuing difficulties of the courts in remanding young people to appropriate accommodation before they are tried, would not my hon. Friend now consider what some of us have thought for a long time, that, except for the serious cases, many of these young people should be restored to their homes for their parents to look after them until such time as the case arises in court?

Mr. Millan

I certainly do not think that children should be remanded in custody unless it is essential. We are increasing the provision, as my hon. Friend will see if he looks at the previous Answer, and with the provisions of the new Social Work (Scotland) Bill coming into operation for dealing with young people, there will also be a change in emphasis in the methods of dealing with them.

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