HC Deb 30 January 1968 vol 757 cc1078-9
15. Mr. Edward M. Taylor

asked the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on the present situation in Gibraltar.

Mr. George Thomson

There has been no change in the internal situation in Gibraltar. The economy continues in a satisfactory condition despite Spanish restrictions on the frontier and in the air.

Mr. Taylor

Could the right hon. Gentleman give any details of the progress of talks on constitutional development referred to in the Written Answer in December? Who will take part in these?

Mr. Thomson

There is another Written Answer on the subject which I believe is to be given today, but I can tell the hon. Gentleman that my noble Friend the Minister of State at the Commonwealth Office is leaving for Gibraltar next week, where he will begin the process of constitutional discussions. This visit will be a preliminary to more formal discussions shortly afterwards.

Sir W. Teeling

Will the right hon. Gentleman tell us—perhaps he will do so in the Written Answer—whom the Minister of State will meet out there? Will it be all parties or only the Government?

Mr. Thomson

One of the reasons for asking my noble Friend to make a preliminary visit in advance of formal constitutional discussions is precisely to enable him to hear the widest possible range of points of view.

Sir F. Bennett

Will the right hon. Gentleman give an undertaking that, in the interim before the final constitutional talks, there will be no question of any further talks with Spain affecting the future sovereignty of Gibraltar?

Mr. Thomson

That is really a question for my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary, but, of course, the sovereignty of Gibraltar, as has been repeatedly said by Her Majesty's Government, is not something which we can allow to be at issue.

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