HC Deb 14 February 1968 vol 758 cc1324-5
10. Mr. Wall

asked the Secretary of State for Defence what action is to be taken with regard to the dispersal of stores and equipment on withdrawal from Singapore.

Mr. Reynolds

Stores and equipment belonging to the Services will be withdrawn, transferred or disposed of in the Far East.

Mr. Wall

Will the Minister assure the House that the shambles which occurred in Aden will not be repeated? Would not he agree that if, in the future, we are to go to the help of Australia and New Zealand, it will be necessary to stock our arms and equipment on the Continent of Australia?

Mr. Reynolds

There was no shambles in Aden—[HON. MEMBERS: "Oh."]—hon. Gentlemen opposite might like to say how many tens of millions of pounds worth of military equipment were left a: the Suez base.

Mr. Frederic Harris

Is it not true that in almost every withdrawal we have made there have been scandalous losses an the eventual disposal of stores? Can the Minister give an assurance that this will not be repeated in Singapore?

Mr. Reynolds

There have not been scandalous losses. This matter was dealt with by debate in the House. If the hon. Gentleman had been present a few weeks ago, he would have heard all the details.