HC Deb 14 February 1968 vol 758 cc1339-40
30. Mr. Moyle

asked the Secretary of State for Defence on which port it is planned to base the Beira patrol after 1971.

Mr. Healey

H.M. ships, while engaged on the Beira patrol, are not dependent on short-based facilities.

Mr. Moyle

Will the Secretary of State give a categorical assurance that it will be possible to maintain the Beira patrol for as long as is necessary to maintain sanctions against the illegal Smith régime?

Mr. Healey

I can certainly tell my hon. Friend that the maintenance of the Beira patrol does not depend on the availability of base facilities in the area.

Mr. Sharples

To what extent do ships involved in this patrol make use of South African ports?

Mr. Healey

Without wishing to give a detailed answer without notice of that question, I can say that ships in this part of the world sometimes put into South African ports for rest and recreation—[HON. MEMBERS: "Oh]—and also into Mombassa in Kenya.

Mr. Wingfield Digby

Can the right hon. Gentleman say what agreement exists at present about the use of Mombassa, to which he referred?

Mr. Healey

Her Majesty's ships have used Mombassa on several occasions for rest and recreation purposes, but if the hon. Gentleman will table a Question on the subject I will try to answer it in greater detail.