HC Deb 12 February 1968 vol 758 cc917-49
    1. c917
    2. Civil Aircraft (Supersonic Flight) 125 words
    3. cc917-9
    4. Buccaneer Aircraft 414 words
    5. cc919-22
    6. Shipbuilding Industry 1,020 words
    7. cc922-4
    8. European Airbus 654 words
    9. cc924-7
    10. Concorde Aircraft 1,121 words
    11. cc927-8
    12. Wear Shipyards 252 words
    13. cc928-9
    14. Coal Derivatives 269 words
    15. cc929-30
    16. Anglo-Soviet A greement 336 words
    17. cc930-1
    18. Atomic Energy Authority (Nuclear Power Stations) 233 words
    19. cc931-2
    20. Private Industry (Development Contracts) 316 words
    21. cc932-3
    22. Price Increases (Notification) 229 words
    23. cc933-6
    24. Beagle Aircraft Ltd. 1,112 words
    25. cc936-7
    26. Aircraft Noise (London Airport) 188 words
    27. c937
    28. F111 Aircraft Contract (Cancellation) 219 words
    29. cc937-8
    30. Computer Sales (Czechoslovakia) 266 words
    31. cc938-9
    32. Rolls Royce RB207 and 211 Engines 243 words
    33. cc939-40
    34. Defence Firms (Civil Work) 279 words
    35. cc940-1
    36. Variable Geometry Aircraft 358 words
    37. cc941-2
    38. Independent Computer Industry (Parliamentary Question) 159 words
    39. cc942-3
    40. Northern Region 483 words
    41. cc943-4
    42. European Technological Community 290 words
    43. cc944-5
    44. Russia, Poland and Roumania (Technical Agreements) 224 words
    45. cc945-6
    46. European Free Trade Association 314 words
    47. cc946-7
    48. Mr. Kirillin (Talks) 317 words
    49. cc947-8
    50. Hearing Aid Batteries (Prices) 409 words
    51. cc948-9
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