HC Deb 05 February 1968 vol 758 cc3-4
3. Dr. David Kerr

asked the Minister of Public Building and Works, what investigations he proposes to undertake of possible alternative sites for a new Parliamentary building.

Mr. Mellish

This depends in the first instance on the views of the House of Commons (Services) Committee.

Dr. Kerr

Will not my right hon. Friend accept the plain fact staring us in the face that we cannot have at one and the same time the preservation of the architecture and surroundings of this place and an adequate Parliamentary building to serve the purposes for which it should be created?

Mr. Mellish

My hon. Friend is a distinguished member of the Services Committee. I wish that he would get it to make up its mind about what it wants.

Mr. David Steel

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that we are still awaiting a debate on the Services Committee's Report of last summer advocating an extension to the present building? Is it not extraordinary that, throughout the country, we should urge business and industry to be efficient and to modernise while we operate in the most inefficient circumstances?

Mr. Mellish

We have a site available across the way but Parliament has not yet made up its mind what we are to do with it. Apparently, as Parliamentarians, we cannot get down to making up our minds on this matter. As Minister, I am literally crying out to be told what to do about it.

Mr. C. Pannell

Does my right hon. Friend recall that, when the Selwyn Lloyd Committee suggested a contigous building to this one, it added that it would have to be in Gothic? Will he therefore frown on any idea such as the monstrosity proposed by the Services Committee, which would merely put an up-ended matchbox in New Palace Yard?

Mr. Mellish

I must say that that idea frightened me too.

Mr. Chichester-Clark

I am not committing myself to what was said by the hon. Member for Wandsworth, Central (Dr. David Kerr), but may I ask the right lion. Gentleman whether he will expedite a meeting with the Services Committee so that a decision can be reached?

Mr. Mellish

I am due to meet the Committee shortly, in connection, I understand, with transport proposals consequential upon anything done across the way.