HC Deb 16 December 1968 vol 775 cc868-9
45. Mr. Cronin

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on Anglo-German relations, in the light of recent events in the field of defence and international monetary affairs in Europe.

Mr. Mulley

We are co-operating closely with the Federal Republic of Germany, both bilaterally and multilaterally, in many fields of common European concern including defence and monetary affairs.

Mr. Cronin

While there has undoubtedly been some exaggeration of the new power influence of West Germany in European affairs, is not the time ripe for some initiative by Her Majesty's Government to ensure closer co-operation with the Federal Republic on questions affecting British entry into the Common Market, N.A.T.O., international liquidity and other affairs?

Mr. Mulley

We have been and are in close touch with the Federal Republic on those subjects. I am not sure what my hon. Friend means by "initiative". It is constant discussion of these affairs with West Germany that will bring the most fruitful co-operation.

Mr. Eldon Griffiths

What progress is being made on proposals for Anglo-German-Dutch co-operation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and on an advanced fighter aircraft?

Mr. Mulley

On the question of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, as the House was informed earlier we are in consultation with the Dutch and Federal German Governments about the development of the gas centrifuge method of enriching uranium. Preliminary meetings at Ministerial level have taken place and it is hoped to pursue this matter with the ultimate objective of joint collaboration.

Mr. Moyle

Was there any consultation between Her Majesty's Government and Dr. Kiesinger, the West German Chancellor, before the Chancellor's recent visit to Madrid, when he promised the Spanish Government that he would assist them to join the Common Market? Does not my right hon. Friend agree that, if that proposal were implemented, it would make the Common Market even less democratic than now?

Mr. Mulley

I know of no such consultations between Her Majesty's representatives and the West German Chancellor on this subject.