§ No land shall be used at any time on Sunday for enabling members of the public to watch thereon or therefrom any spectacle to which section 2 of this Act applies if those members or any of them make payment for the privilege of doing so (whether the payment is for the benefit of the occupier or another) unless there is in force in respect of such land 706 a certificate by the justices of the petty sessional division in which the land is situated that it is reasonable to permit the spectacle at that time having regard to any likelihood that that it will cause nuisance or annoyance to any member of the public. If the occupier of any land permits it to be used in contravention of this subsection he shall be guilty of an offence. The Lord Chancellor may by statutory instrument make regulations prescribing the procedure to be employed in respect of applications for such a certificate and providing for appeals against the grant or refusal of such a certificate.—[Mr. Archer.]
§ Brought up, read the First and Second time, and added to the Bill.