HC Deb 24 April 1968 vol 763 c219
46. Mr. J. H. Osborn

asked the President of the Board of Trade what discussions he has had with the Confederation of British Industry and other trade organisations and associations to bring about a more common practice to add transport and distribution costs to goods delivered from factory to consumer, customer, or ports as a separate charge on each invoice or quotation rather than absorb transport and distribution costs in the final selling price of the product.

Mr. Dell

None, Sir.

Mr. Osborn

But will not the Transport Bill raise transport and distribution costs to manufacturers? Does this suggestion not appeal to the President of the Board of Trade as a way of avoiding direct price increases and the pitfalls of prices and incomes legislation at this particularly important time?

Mr. Dell

Of course, increases of costs attributable to the Transport Bill have been greatly exaggerated. Meanwhile, if the hon. Gentleman or anyone in industry thinks that it is right for individual companies to treat distribution costs in this way on their invoices, there is nothing to stop them.