HC Deb 23 April 1968 vol 763 c22
39. Mr. L. Pavitt

asked the Minister of Health if he will accept in principle paragraph 500 of the Report of the Royal Commission on Medical Education.

Mr. K. Robinson

Decisions on this and other recommendations of the Royal Commission must await the examination referred to in my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister's reply to my hon. Friend the Member for Halifax (Dr. Summerskill) on 4th April.—[Vol. 762, c. 141–2.]

Mr. Pavitt

As successful integration of teaching and regional hospitals has gone on satisfactorily in Scotland, and because of the time which it will take to implement this decision, will my right hon. Friend make an early decision about this aspect of the Report?

Mr. Robinson

There will obviously have to be a good deal of discussion about this, as about many other recommendations. My hon. Friend will be aware that this is a subject relevant to the Green Paper on administrative structure, which, I hope, will be published fairly soon.

Mr. Dean

Does the right hon. Gentleman agree that teaching hospitals have a worldwide reputation and that no changes should be made in their status without the fullest possible consultation with all concerned?

Mr. Robinson

Yes. I said in a previous supplementary answer that there was bound to be considerable discussion of this proposal.