HC Deb 09 April 1968 vol 762 cc1308-9
Mr. Channon

I beg to move Amendment No. 76, in page 33, line 44, at end insert: Provided that no charge shall be made by a local authority for the use of any such facilities or services by statutory undertakers in the exercise of their functions. I have been asked to raise this matter by the water undertakers. They point out that statutory undertakers may frequently have to use facilities and services provided under the Bill, and they give as an obvious example roads and parking places. Where the statutory undertakers are simply carrying out their statutory obligation, it would be ludicrous if they had charges imposed upon them. My Amendment would provide that in such circumstances no charges would be made. I am sure that it would be wise to write such a provision into the Bill.

Mr. MacDermot

So ludicrous would it be that there is no power to enable them to do it, so the Amendment is unnecessary. In other words, I cannot see how the situation to which the Amendment is directed could arise.

Clause 33 empowers local authorities to make charges for facilities which they provide, or to empower someone else, acting as their agent, to make charges. The local authorities can make charges only for facilities provided by them in the exercise of their functions. If they arrange for facilities to be provided by some other person, they may authorise that person to make reasonable charges. For these reasons, the Amendment is not necessary.

Mr. Channon

I am grateful to the hon. and learned Gentleman. I hope that what he says is correct and there is no danger of such an occasion arising. In view of what he has said, I beg to ask leave to withdraw the Amendment.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

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