HC Deb 09 April 1968 vol 762 cc1297-8
Mr. MacDermot

I beg to move Amendment No. 59, in page 24, line 10, after 'other', insert 'similar'.

I think that it will be convenient to discuss at the same time Amendment No. 60.

Mr. Speaker

So be it.

Mr. MacDermot

The effect of the first Amendment is to limit the type of structure to be maintained across a footpath or bridleway to something similar to a stile or gate. It will exclude a bridge, and clarify any doubt there might be. This point was raised by one hon. Gentleman opposite in Committee.

The second Amendment also meets a point raised in Committee, and makes the standard of maintenance of stiles and gates a more reasonable requirement. They will have to be maintained in a safe condition, and to the standard of repair required to prevent unreasonable interference with the rights of persons using them.

Mr. Channon

We are grateful to the Government for fulfilling the undertaking they gave in Committee. During our discussions upstairs the Minister said that this was the standard requirement for repairs, and he undertook to substitute other words for those which we thought were too onerous. I think it will be generally welcomed that the Government have been able to bring in these Amendments. I thank the hon. and learned Gentleman for doing so, and give them our support.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendments made: No. 60, in page 24, line 11, leave out from in to 'persons' in line 12 and insert: 'a safe condition, and to the standard of repair required to prevent unreasonable interference with the rights of the'.

No. 63, in line 26, at end insert:

(4) The highway authority shall, in exercise of the powers conferred by subsection (3) above, contribute not less than one quarter of any expenses shown to their satisfaction to have been reasonably incurred.

(5) Subsection (1) above shall not apply to any structure if and so long as the highway authority are, under an agreement in writing with any other person, liable to maintain the structure.—[Mr. MacDermot.]

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