HC Deb 01 April 1968 vol 762 cc140-1

Amendment made: No. 30, in page 47, line 2, leave out from 'if' to end of line 28 and insert: 'for subsections (3), (4) and (5) thereof, there were inserted the following subsections:— (2A) Without prejudice to the powers conferred on local authorities by the foregoing provisions of this section, a council to which this subsection applies may assist any voluntary organisation whose activities consist in or include the provision of meals or recreation for old people to provide such meals or such recreation by contributing to the funds of the organisation by permitting them to use premises belonging to the council on such terms as may be agreed, and by making available furniture, vehicles or equipment (whether by way of gift or loan or otherwise) and the services of any staff who are employed by the council in connection with the premises or other things which they permit the organisation to use. This subsection applies to the town councils of small burghs and to district councils. (2B) In this section—

  1. (a) 'local authority' (except where used in the expression 'public or local authority') means, in relation to a county including any small burgh situated therein, the county council, and, in relation to a large burgh, the town council;
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  3. (b) 'large burgh' and 'small burgh' have the same meanings as in the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1947, and 'district' means a district constituted by a district council scheme within the meaning of section 38 of that Act;
  4. (c) 'the relevant enactments' means Part III of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1947, Part III of the National Assistance Act 1948, section 3 of the Disabled Persons (Employment) Act 1958 and Part I of this Act and section 43 thereof;
  5. (d) 'relevant service' means a service the provision of which must or may, by virtue of the relevant enactments, be secured by a local authority; and
  6. (e) 'voluntary organisation' means a body the activities of which are carried on otherwise than for profit, but does not include any public or local authority.
(2C) This section shall have effect in place of the following provisions authorising the giving of assistance to voluntary organisations, namely, sections 22(3) and 27(3) and (so far as it authorises local health authorities to give assistance to such organisations) section 63 of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1947, and section 26(6), 30(2) and 31(3) of the National Assistance Act 1948 "'.—[Mr. Millan]

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