HC Deb 25 October 1967 vol 751 cc1648-9

Order read for consideration of Lords Amendments.

Motion made, and Question proposed, That the Lords Amendments be now considered.—[Dr. Dickson Mabon.]

10.53 a.m.

Mr. Anthony Stodart (Edinburgh, West)

I do not want to oppose the Motion, but I wish to make a protest in that the situation which faces us seems to be similar, though slightly worse, than that which was mentioned yesterday by my hon. Friend the Member for Crosby (Mr. Graham Page) in connection with the Leasehold Reform Bill.

The Amendments to that Bill were received by my hon. Friend at 5 o'clock on the previous evening. In this case the Amendments were not available in the Vote Office until half-past nine this morning. It means that although from the word "go" this has been a noncontroversial Bill, a Measure on which I am sure the Minister will agree there was a great deal of co-operation between the two sides in Committee upstairs, we are faced with considerable difficulty in absorbing the import of the Lords Amendments, many of which resulted from discussions held only yesterday. I hope that the Minister will make representations to the necessary quarters to see that we are not treated in this way on another occasion.

Question put and agreed to.

Lords Amendments considered accordingly.