HC Deb 30 November 1967 vol 755 c615
6. Mr. Gwynfor Evans

asked the Secretary of State for Wales with what individual local councils in Wales he has had or will have consultations concerning the proposals in his White Paper on Local Government Reorganisation in Wales.

Mr. Cledwyn Hughes

I have received the individual written comments of almost all the local authorities in Wales and I am arranging for oral discussions with groups of neighbouring authorities.

Mr. Evans

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that, since the proposed measures have been taken, the wholesale abolition and amalgamation of councils throughout Wales will destroy so many effective local government units, and it would be wise to have a great number of local discussions, and to give more time to local councils and the public to discusss the matter?

Mr. Hughes

What has encouraged me is the general welcome which my proposals have received in Wales, and it is my intention, and that of my hon. Friends, to meet groupings of local authorities, and at these meetings individual representatives from local authorities will be able to put their points of view.

Mr. Gibson-Watt

The right hon. Gentleman said that he has had a general welcome for his proposals. Would not he agree that these replies are not all in favour of his suggestions, although, as he rightly says, most local authorities, or a proportion of them, are in favour?

Mr. Hughes

Certainly there are differences of view about various aspects of the White Paper, but in general it has received a very encouraging welcome.