HC Deb 30 November 1967 vol 755 cc627-8
24. Mr. Hamling

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what proposals have been submitted to his Department by the Inner London Education Authority to amend the Authority's plans for secondary education.

Mr. Gordon Walker

None, Sir.

Mr. Hamling

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the present leadership of the Inner London Education Authority have now repudiated their election promises and have largely accepted comprehensive education in London?

Mr. Gordon Walker

Of course, I have not yet officially received any proposals. I know only what I have read in the Press, according to which there are many parts of the proposal, if it came up to me in this form, which I could accept for the reason which my hon. Friend has given, though there are some parts, if the Press reports are accurate, which I could not accept.

Sir E. Boyle

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that there is wide feeling that the revised plan for London is a real attempt at doing what is wisest on educational grounds? Would he not agree that it would be a great pity to try to escalate the political temperature on this before he has even had the plan submitted to him?

Mr. Gordon Walker

I have not been escalating the political temperature. I simply say that I have not yet received any proposals and I must wait until I do.