HC Deb 28 November 1967 vol 755 cc214-5
18. Dr. David Kerr

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government what further powers he proposes to seek to prevent the sale of council houses where housing need remains unsatisfied.

Mr. Greenwood

I already have power to modify or withdraw the general consent to the sale of council houses at any time. I have no intention of permitting any substantial erosion of the housing stock in areas where there is still a long waiting list for accommodation at reasonable rents.

Dr. Kerr

I am grateful to my right hon. Friend for that encouraging reply, but is he aware that the Greater London Council is embarking on a scheme for the sale of scarce council houses, particularly in my constituency, where a large estate of council houses looks like being broken up as a result of this stupid policy? Will he give an assurance to those of us who have this matter very much at heart that he will not allow this to happen?

Mr. Greenwood

I can give my hon. Friend the assurance that I have asked the G.L.C., Birmingham and the other major towns which are embarking on this policy for monthly reports on the progress which is made. My hon. Friends will be encouraged by the fact that it looks as though sales of council houses this year will be rather fewer than in 1966.

Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

Can the right hon. Gentleman explain how the housing stock is eroded by turning a council tenant into an owner-occupier, particularly in an area in which home ownership has been closed down by his blocking of the G.L.C. mortgage funds?

Mr. Greenwood

For the simple reason that it means that the number of houses available for re-letting is diminished.

Mr. Rose

Is my right hon. Friend aware that this policy is being combined in some areas like Manchester with a sharp reduction in the total number of houses to be built? Will he take immediate action to put pressure on these local authorities? It means not only that there are fewer houses but fewer possibilities of transfer.

Mr. Greenwood

We bring such pressure to bear as is proper for us to bring on all local authorities to achieve the largest output of houses per year. We had better watch the situation about the sale of houses and decide whether it has reached serious proportions before taking the power which my hon. Friend asks us to take.