HC Deb 15 November 1967 vol 754 cc433-4
29. Mr. Kitson

asked the Minister of Transport if, following circular No. 20/67 dealing with the carrying capacity of sub-standard bridges, she will introduce a crash programme to bring up to standard those bridges which are now going to restrict heavy traffic where it is difficult for local authorities to re-route on to roads capable of carrying additional traffic.

Mr. John Morris

In such cases special arrangements designed to bring the road back into use as quickly as possible are considered. The position is being kept under continuous review.

Mr. Kitson

Could the Joint Parliamentary Secretary instruct British Railways to hurry up and make some repairs to these bridges? Is he aware that one bridge is closed and that at other bridges passengers have to get out of the buses, walk over the bridge, and then get back into the buses? Is that not a ridiculous state of affairs? Will he please hurry up this work?

Mr. Morris

This, as the hon. Member, I know, is fully aware, is not a laughing matter although some of his hon. Friends are tittering on this issue of safety. [HON. MEMBERS: "Oh, no."] Because of the importance of the road in question the Ministry has requested British Railways to include all three bridges in the first phase of the reconstruction programme. I understand this is being done. The target for completion is May, 1968. In addition to this, urgent consideration is being given to the temporary strengthening of the bridge in question in order to try to reopen this road within one month.