HC Deb 14 November 1967 vol 754 cc373-4


That Standing Order No. 18 (Business of Supply) be amended as follows:—
Line 41, leave out 'any question necessary to dispose' and insert 'in respect'.
Line 46, at end insert 'the question that the total amount shall be granted for the purposes defined in those supplementary estimates'.
Line 96, leave out from 'question' to end of line 107 and insert'; and if notice has been given of objection to any total amount on which the question is to be put, Mr. Speaker shall put first the question on that total amount. When such questions have been disposed of, or if no notice of objection has been given, Mr. Speaker shall put for each financial year only the question that the total amount outstanding for that year be granted out of the Consolidated Fund for the purposes defined in the related votes'.
Line 108, leave out 'the chairman or'.
Leave out lines 119 to 124.—[Mr. Crossman.]