HC Deb 09 November 1967 vol 753 c1231
18. Mr. Tilney

asked the Minister of Overseas Development what further requests have been received by him from the Government of Tanzania asking Her Majesty's Government to assume responsibility for the pensions of British expatriate officers who have served in Tanganyika in the past.

Mr. Oram

None, Sir. The position remains as stated in my reply to the hon. Gentleman on the 26th June.—[Vol. 749, c. 25.]

Mr. Tilney

Since the Minister of Finance in his Budget Statement urged that the British Government should look into the whole question and assume their proper share of the payment of pensions, should not the whole question of pensions be looked at again in respect not only of Tanzania but of all our pensioners and reduce aid accordingly?

Mr. Oram

I am sure that the hon. Gentleman recognises that even in relation to one territory a suggested change in the apportionment of costs in a matter like this raises very great difficulties, not least in the case of Tanzania, because of the lack of communications but also because of the point that he mentioned in his supplementary question, that a considerable question of precedent arises out of this particular case.