HC Deb 08 November 1967 vol 753 cc1025-6
34. Mr. Small

asked the Secretary of State for Defence what was the value of naval construction placed in the three years previous to 1964; and what is the comparable figure to date.

Mr. Mason

For the period 1961–63, £158.7 million. For the period 1965–67, £254.2 million. These figures represent the total cost of new construction, including weapon equipment and so on, which are given in the annual Estimates.

Mr. Small

What proportion of this order have the Scottish shipyards received?

Mr. Mason

Naval construction this year in Scottish shipyards is 24 per cent.

Mr. McMaster

What attention is given by the Government, in placing orders, to whether shipyards winning them satisfy the Geddes Committee's requirements?

Mr. Mason

At present, I give shipyards their orders according to how competitive they are, with date of delivery taken into consideration as well.

Sir F. Bennett

What proportion of the latter figure in the hon. Gentleman's main Answer had any relevance to the Polaris submarines?

Mr. Mason

I cannot answer that without notice.