HC Deb 10 May 1967 vol 746 c1487
21. Mr. Stodart

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if it his intention that the increase during the next 10 years in the number of cows eligible for the hill cow subsidy should be as great or greater than that which has taken place since 1958.

Mr. Buchan

The number of hill cows eligible for the subsidy has increased by some 90 per cent. since 1958. The annual rate of increase has averaged over 7 per cent. during recent years. We want to maintain the rate of expansion, but I doubt if it serves any useful purpose to put a figure on it for as long ahead as 10 years.

Mr. Stodart

Would it not give great confidence to this sector of the industry if the Minister accepted that it was desirable to set a figure of this kind, in order that the encouragement and stimulus which the Secretary of State gave the National Farmers' Union at its annual general meeting could be carried into more concrete effect?

Mr. Buchan

The main confidence which is given to the industry in Scotland comes as a result of the substantial measures of assistance which we have given it in the Annual Price Review. I need not detail it for the hon. Gentleman, but that is the right kind of confidence and the kind of confidence which is required.