HC Deb 08 May 1967 vol 746 cc1052-3
39 and 50. Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Minister of Health (1) if he is aware that details of the case of Mrs. Doughty, who became pregnant after an operation for sterilisation, were sent to him by the hon. Member for West Ham, North, on 21st March, that the Press were advised on Monday 24th April and that meanwhile the consultant concerned has asked the woman concerned to call upon him, notwithstanding that the investigation of the case is still proceeding; and when he expects to be able to make a report to the hon. Member;

(2) on what dates between 21st March and 17th April the consultant in the case concerning Mrs. Doughty, of Stratford, E.15, details of which have been sent to him, was away on leave.

Mr. K. Robinson

I wrote to my hon. Friend on 5th May in reply to his letter of 4th May. I also sent my hon. Friend a full reply on 3rd May to his earlier letters.

Mr. Lewis

The Minister conveniently forgets that this issue was first raised on 21st March, that it has taken him almost six weeks to send me a letter which he could have posted within almost 24 hours. As I cannot get any satisfaction from his Ministry, I should advise my constituent to take legal action.

Sir A. V. Harvey

Will not the hon. Gentleman publish the letter in the OFFICIAL REPORT for the benefit of all hon. Members? Do not the answers which we have had this afternoon about St. Teresa's Hospitial, among others, show that the Government will never learn? Is it surprising that they are losing local elections?

Mr. Snow

I will consider the hon. Gentleman's first Question. As for the others, I am certain that time will show the efficacy of the present Government.