HC Deb 04 May 1967 vol 746 cc717-8
20. Mr. Evelyn King

asked the Minister of Overseas Development what technical or other assistance is being given to the Eastern Aden protectorate.

Mr. Bottomley

Technical assistance is given in the form of scholarships and training courses in the United Kingdom, and of the services from time to time of British experts and consultants. Other assistance includes the provision of British advisory staff and services, subsidies to the State Governments for administrative and other purposes, and Colonial Development and Welfare grants which are made available to the High Commissioner for the economic and social development of the area.

Mr. King

Would the Minister concede that the poverty and isolation of this area make the problem of Aden, which is already complex enough, more complex still? Would he therefore give additional priority and additional aid beyond that which he has already mentioned?

Mr. Bottomley

No, I cannot say that I will give additional aid. Every sympathy is extended because of the considerations which the hon. Gentleman has mentioned.