HC Deb 02 May 1967 vol 746 cc298-9
31. Biggs-Davison

asked the Sec retary of State for Commonwealth Affairs Whether he is aware that on 15th March a Mr. Elias Rusike made a broadcast to Rhodesia from Dar-es-Salaam on Radio Tanzania in which he incited Africans in Rhodesia to genocide; what other such broadcasts are being made; and what representations have been made, or other appropriate actions taken.

Mr. George Thomas

I have no information about the particular broadcast to which the hon. Member refers. Her Majesty's Government have made it clear on many occasions that they deplore incitement to violence from whatever quarter it may come.

Mr. Biggs-Davison

Will the Commonwealth Office take steps to secure a text of the broadcast in which this gentleman exhorted the sons and daughters of Zimbabwe to take up arms and kill all whites in Rhodesia? And was this gentleman formerly employed by the British Information Services?

Mr. Thomas

I do not know anything about his previous employment. The House will be aware that Her Majesty's Government have no control over the broadcasting facilities of independent countries.