HC Deb 20 March 1967 vol 743 cc1027-8
16. Mr. Dean

asked the Minister of Health what action he now proposes to take to implement the recommendations of the Salmon Report on Senior Nursing Staff Structure.

Mr. K. Robinson

I would refer the hon. Member to my reply to my hon. Friend the Member for Bristol, North-East (Mr. Dobson), on 6th March, 1967.—[Vol. 742, c. 186–7.]

Mr. Dean

Arising from the Answer on 6th March, can the right hon. Gentleman say whether any pilot studies are now in operation to try out the proposed new system relating to grading and distribution?

Mr. Robinson

No, they are not yet in operation; but I shall be writing to hospital boards in the next week or two asking them to assist in the selection of about 20 groups where the scheme can be introduced and tested.

Mr. Braine

Before writing to the boards, is the right hon. Gentleman having consultations with the nursing organisations? Is he aware that the Royal College of Nursing regretted very much that in the Salmon Report nursing education is not separated from the nursing service and is very worried about the position of nursing tutors? Is the right hon. Gentleman doing anything about this before he implements the Report?

Mr. Robinson

On the question of tutors, I should be grateful if the hon. Gentleman would put down the Question. Of course there had been full consultation before the announcement of my decision.

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