HC Deb 15 March 1967 vol 743 cc491-2

11. Mr. Marten asked the President of the Board of Trade if he will make a statement about the divisions of responsibility between Ministries in relation to air safety.

Mr. Jay

I apologise for the length of the Answer.

The Board of Trade is charged, under the Civil Aviation Act, 1949, with the general duty of promoting safety in the use of civil aircraft and the precise functions prescribed in the Air Navigation Order, 1966, made under that Act.

Military aviation is the responsibility of the Ministry of Defence. The National Air Traffic Control Service is provided jointly by the Board of Trade and the Ministry of Defence for civil and military aviation alike. The Ministry of Technology, concurrently with the Board of Trade, has the function of encouraging measures for designing, developing and producing civil aircraft, and the equipment for promoting safety in the use of such aircraft.

Mr. Marten

Is it not clear from what the President of the Board of Trade has just said that there is a split in responsibility for the vital matter of air safety? The inspectorate of accidents is in his Department whereas the people with responsibility for putting right what is wrong in an aircraft which causes accidents are in the Ministry of Technology? Would it not be better to bring the inspector of accidents out of his own Ministry and into Technology?

Mr. Jay

I am not convinced that that is so. There has always been a division of responsibility as between military and civil aircraft. If the hon. Gentleman has specific suggestions to make, I shall be very glad to look at them.

Mrs. Gwyneth Dunwoody

Will my right hon. Friend consider doing something to tighten up the regulations regarding air safety before the holiday season comes, when more and more private charter aircraft will be flying over the Continent, and before we have any more dreadful accidents?

Mr. Jay

The arrangements are already elaborate and everything possible has been done to make them effective. I have no reason to think that the holiday season will produce any special dangers.