HC Deb 15 March 1967 vol 743 c481

45. Mr. David Watkins asked the President of the Board of Trade if he is yet able to announce the tenant for the advance factory at Hare Law, Stanley, County Durham.

Mr. Darling

The first advance factory at Stanley is already taken and has been extended to meet the needs of the occupying firm. The second advance factory is under construction and has been brought to the attention of a number of industrialists, but no tenant has so far been found.

Mr. Watkins

Will my right hon. Friend bear in mind that because of pit closures, there is a particular need for new industry in this part of County Durham? Can he assure the House that every possible effort will be made to have this tenancy taken up as quickly as possible?

Mr. Darling

Yes, Sir. We are aware of the circumstances and the need for new jobs in this area. The success of the first factory augurs well for other development.

Sir J. Eden

Will the right hon. Gentleman say what is the average length of time taken to find a tenant for an advance factory? Can he also give figures showing the number of factories standing empty in the North-East region?

Mr. Darling

I think that there are only one or two in the North-East region, but I should like notice of that question. The length of time needed to get a tenant varies considerably. Quite a number of them are accepted before the factories are finished. This was the case with the first factory at Stanley.