HC Deb 28 June 1967 vol 749 cc484-5
4. Mr. G. Campbell

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he will make a statement on the future of tolls at the Forth Road Bridge.

Dr. Dickson Mabon

My right hon. Friend is examining the future level of tolls with the Joint Board.

Mr. Campbell

Is it the Government's policy to continue in principle a system of tolls on the bridge?

Dr. Mabon

We had better wait until the review is completed and see what is what.

Mr. Eadie

Is my hon. Friend aware that this financial problem was inherited from hon. Members opposite? Is he aware that it cost more to construct the approach roads than to build the bridge, and that the Joint Board is paying interest upon interest?

Dr. Mahon

The answer to the first part of my hon. Friend's question is "Yes". I think, off the cuff, that the answer to the second part on the cost is "Yes", and the answer to the third part is also "Yes". We certainly want to discuss these matters with the Joint Board, and agreed that we would have a realistic review based on the experience of at least two full years' traffic. My hon. Friend is right to say that we inherited the problem.

Mr. Noble

In what sense does the Minister mean that he inherited the problem? In the first year the tolls were fixed by a statutory device in which we had no control.

Dr. Mabon

I am sorry, but the right hon. Gentleman had better look again at the procedure. He will see that the provisions are pretty firm. There are certain options within them and the one referred to by my hon. Friend was assented to quite recently. These are matters for further discussion. As I have said, we may have had to wait until there has been a full two years' use before we can make further decisions.

Mr. Woodburn

Is my hon. Friend suggesting that contrary to hon. Members' expectation that the tolls might be abolished, the review might result in an increase? I hope not. [HON MEMBERS: "Answer."]