HC Deb 07 June 1967 vol 747 c1048
29. Mr. Tilney

asked the Minister of Transport whether she will see that traffic signals are operative during weekends, at the exit from Bushey Park opposite the Lion Gates of Hampton Court Palace.

Mr. Swingler

This is a matter for the Greater London Council as traffic authority, who are already considering how best to improve traffic conditions in the vicinity of Hampton Court, possibly by the installation of traffic signals at the Hampton Court roundabout and the exit from Bushey Park.

Mr. Tilney

Would the Minister bear in mind that there are many visitors from overseas who want to go to Bushey Park and Hampton Court and at the weekends it is almost impossible to do so except on foot?

Mr. Swingler

I realise that this is a serious point of congestion, but this junction cannot be dealt with in isolation. We have had many discussions with the G.L.C. about it and we are hoping that the scheme it has in mind for the roundabout will be a great step forward in getting rid of congestion.