HC Deb 01 June 1967 vol 747 c242
19. Sir W. Bromley-Davenport

asked the Postmaster-General whether he will direct the British Broadcasting Corporation not to broadcast programmes containing blasphemy or blasphemous incidents.

Mr. Edward Short

No, Sir. The broadcasting authorities are already under a duty to satisfy themselves that, so far as possible, nothing is included in their programmes which offends against good taste or decency or is likely to be offensive to public feeling. The B.B.C. is, of course subject, like everyone else, to the law of the land in this respect.

Sir W. Bromley-Davenport

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware of the blasphemous dialogue that took place on "The Late Show" on 4th February of this year, which caused so much offence all over the country? Can anything be done to stop a repetition of this disgraceful behaviour?

Mr. Short

If the hon. and gallant Gentleman felt that this was blasphemous, he could have it tested in the courts.