HC Deb 19 July 1967 vol 750 cc2124-5
24. Mr. McMaster

asked the President of the Board of Trade what action he is taking to stimulate international air-traffic directly to and from Northern Ireland.

Mr. Jay

I welcome the development of international air services from Northern Ireland; but the initiative in seeking and using licences rests with the operators, in the light of their judgment of the traffic potential and subject to foreign traffic rights being available or obtainable on acceptable terms.

Mr. McMaster

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that we have not an airport in Northern Ireland big enough to take large transatlantic jets? In view of the rapid growth in cross-Atlantic flying, particularly charter flying, in the summer between Northern Ireland and America, will he take steps to provide an airport sufficient to take these larger planes?

Mr. Jay

As I said in the recent debate on airports policy, we must develop airports roughly in harmony with the development of the traffic, but I shall be glad to discuss this question with the hon. Gentleman.

Sir Knox Cunningham

During the present alterations to the terminal building at Aldergrove, would the right hon. Gentleman consider making the necessary provisions for international passenger and freight traffic?

Mr. Jay

The hon. and learned Gentleman, I think, has some later Questions on this point this afternoon, but I will certainly consider what he said.