HC Deb 13 July 1967 vol 750 cc998-9
19. Mr. Stratton Mills

asked the Postmaster-General how many pirate radio stations are still operating; and if he is satisfied with the operation of the Marine, &c., Broadcasting (Offences) Act.

7. Mr. Alan Lee Williams

asked the Postmaster-General whether he is satisfied with the operation of the Marine, &c., Broadcasting (Offences) Act; and if he will make a statement.

32. Mr. Channon

asked the Postmaster-General when it is proposed to bring into operation the Marine, &c., Broadcasting (Offences) Act.

Mr. Edward Short

There are nine pirate broadcasting stations operating; eight of them are off the United Kingdom. The Bill is awaiting the Royal Assent. It is hoped to bring it into force on 15th August.

Mr. Mills

Has the Postmaster-General seen reports that Radio Caroline, Radio London and three or four other pirate radio stations are setting up facilities abroad, collecting advertising abroad and preparing to operate from abroad, as we warned that they would when the Bill was going through the House? What plans has he to deal with this type of situation?

Mr. Short

Of course I have seen the reports, and I know of the encouragement given by hon. Members opposite. After 15th August, if the Order is made, on that date the law will come into force, and anyone who renders assistance to these stations will be guilty of a criminal offence.

Mr. William Price

Can my right hon. Friend say how quickly he expects the Act will silence these pirate, radio stations?

Mr. Short

This depends on our colleagues abroad. They have been cooperating and I think the only one which has not done so is Holland.

Mr. Channon

Does the right hon. Gentleman recognise that he is making his task of doing away with the pirates infinitely more difficult by bringing in the Order by 15th August before he has the new B.B.C. Radio 247 in operation?

Mr. Short

One difficulty has been the support given by the hon. Member and many of his hon. Friends to pirate stations.

Mr. Bryan

Could we have a straight answer to that last question?

Mr. Short

No, Sir. That is the answer to the question.