§ 5. Mr. J. H. Osbornasked the Minister of Technology what research and development work he is sponsoring in connection 391 with data transmission techniques and the establishment of a computer grid; and what is the rôle of the Computer Centre at Manchester in this field.
§ Dr. BrayThe National Physical Laboratory is studying the data transmission needs of computers connected by a communications grid. The Department is also supporting the development of a multi-access computing system at Edinburgh University, which will contribute information needed in the design of information computer grids and data transmission facilities. The Department is working closely with the Post Office, which is actively engaged in this and allied fields. The National Computing Centre will be concerned with the development of application software needed in the operation of a computer grid.
§ Mr. OsbornIs the Parliamentary Secretary satisfied that the techniques for fast data transmission will be developed to fit in with the Bill recently passed through this House?
§ Dr. BrayYes. My reply gives clear evidence that this is being attacked from many different points of view, and the different workers involved are closely in touch with each other.
§ Mr. Patrick JenkinHas the Department any evidence that the absence of any industrial development grants for the sort of peripheral equipment needed to make use of a computer service bureau is likely to inhibit the development of these very valuable techniques?
§ Mr. LeadbitterIs my hon. Friend in a position to inform the House of any urogress made in this direction by the nationalised industries? In particular can he tell the House of any development concerning the National Steel Corporation?
§ Dr. BrayThe Post Office will be a major nationalised industry, and is the prime operator in this area. I have no information regarding activities of the National Steel Corporation in this connection.