HC Deb 14 February 1967 vol 741 c479

[Queen's Recommendation having been signified]

Resolved, That, for the purposes of any Act of this Session to amend the law relating to companies, it is expedient to authorise the payment out of moneys provided by Parliament of any expenses incurred under that Act by the Board of Trade.—[Mr. Darling.]

1. That, upon the re-registration of a company under the Companies Act 1948 in pursuance of and provision included in an Act of this Session to amend the law relating to companies (hereinafter referred to as 'the new Act'), there shall—
(a) if the company is registered with limited liability and is to be re-registered as unlimited, be charged on articles lodged with the registrar of companies with the application for re-registration, a stamp duty of ten shillings; and
(b) if the company is unlimited and is to be re-registered with limited liability and a share capital, be charged on a statement of the amount of the share capital to be delivered to the registrar of companies the like ad valorem stamp duty as would be charged if the company were being registered under the Companies Act 1948 with limited liability and a share capital of that amount.
2. That, in respect of the several matters mentioned in column 1 of the Table set out below, there shall be paid to the registrar of companies the several fees specified in column 2 of that Table, or such greater fees as may be specified in regulations made by the Board of Trade.
Matter in respect of which Fee is payable Amount of Fee
For registration on its formation under the Companies Act 1948 of a company as one limited by shares, registration under that Act in pursuance of Part VIII thereof of a company as one so limited (not being a company in whose case the liability of the members thereof was, before registration in pursuance of that Part, limited by some other Act or by letters patent) or re-registration under the Companies Act 1948 in pursuance of the new Act of a company as one limited by shares. If the nominal capital does not exceed £2,000, the sum of £20.
If the nominal capital exceeds £2,000 but does not exceed £5,000, the sum of £20 with the addition of £1 for each £1,000 or part of £1,000 of nominal capital in excess of £2,000.
If the nominal capital exceeds £5,000 but does not exceed £100,000, the sum of £23 with the addition of 5s. for each £1,000 or part of £1,000 of nominal capital in excess of £5,000.
If the nominal capital exceeds £100,000, the sum of £46 15s. 0d. with the addition of ls. for each £1,000 or part of £1,000 of nominal capital in excess of £100,000.
For registration on its formation under the Companies Act 1948 of a company as one not having a share capital, registration under that Act in pursuance of Part VIII thereof of a company as one limited by guarantee and not having a share capital or re-registration under that Act in pursuance of the new Act of a company as one so limited and not having a share capital. If the number of members stated in the articles does not exceed 25, the sum of £20.
If the number of members stated in the articles exceeds 25, but does not exceed 100, the sum of £20 with the addition of £1 for each 25 members or fraction of 25 members in excess of the first25.
If the number of members stated in the articles exceeds 100 but is not stated to be unlimited the sum of £23 with the addition of 5s. for each 50 members or fraction of 50 members after the first 100.
If the number of members is stated in the articles to be unlimited, the sum of £38.
For registration on its formation under the Companies Act 1948 of a company as one limited by guarantee and having a share capital or as an unlimited one having a share capital, registration under that Act in pursuance of Part VIII thereof of a company as one so limited and having a share capital or re-registration under that Act in pursuance of the new Act of a company as one limited by guarantee and having a share capital. The same amount as would be charged for registration if the company were limited by shares or the same amount as would be so charged if the company had not a share capital, whichever is the higher.
For re-registration of a company under the Companies Act 1948 in pursuance of the new Act as unlimited. £5.