HC Deb 09 February 1967 vol 740 c1818
28. Mr. Nott

asked the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Economic Affairs how many people with practical experience of Cornish agriculture and horticulture are represented on the Agricultural Sub-Committee of the South-West Regional Economic Planning Council.

Mr. Shore

None, Sir.

Mr. Nott

Is the Minister aware that there is great dissatisfaction amongst the farming community in the South-West that there is not a single person with practical farming experience on the Agricultural Sub-Committee, particularly from Cornwall, and that it is preparing a report on the future of agriculture in the South-West? Will he look into this straight away?

Mr. Shore

I am always willing to look at this, but it is not practicable, within the limited membership of a Regional Council, to cater for every industry and every interest in every county. To make the point a little stronger, although agriculture is a very important part of the Cornish economy, it accounts for only about 7 per cent. of the total employed.

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