HC Deb 06 February 1967 vol 740 c1086
6. Mr. Hamling

asked the Minister of Social Security what steps she will take to deal with poverty arising in cases where single women have to give up their jobs in order to care for dependent relatives.

Miss Herbison

These women are already eligible for supplementary benefit under the new scheme if their relatives cannot reasonably be expected to pay for their services.

Mr. Hamling

Does not my right hon. Friend recognise that women doing this job are performing a very useful social purpose which, if it were not done by them, would cost the nation dear? Will she not recognise this formally and not leave it as an adjunct of the social security scheme?

Miss Herbison

I am very conscious indeed of the wonderful work that so many of these women do. At present about 11,000 single women are receiving supplementary benefit in such circumstances. If there is the likelihood of their returning to work, an addition is made to the supplementary benefit to allow them to pay their National Insurance contribution so that their own pension rights particularly will be safeguarded